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I have journalistic experience both in China and Switzerland.  After having won the first prize in a writing competition organised by Swissinfo, I became a Swiss based freelance journalist for Swissinfo in the Chinese language. Swissinfo is part of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation and is an official news portal for Switzerland. This experience has enriched me with vast knowledge about Switzerland. Below are some of my selected publications from the past years covering aspects such as tourism, economics, arts, culture, regulations, etc. I know communication techniques from traditional paper media advertising copy to digital media via electronic channels. Articles published on Swissinfo are under my Chinese name of 朱颂瑜. 

1. Swiss museum culture  瑞士博物馆文化:珍惜历史始得永恒

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2. Suggestions for travelling around Geneva for free   不花一分钱,游遍日内瓦

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3. Narcisse Festival in Montreux   昔日重现 – 瑞士蒙特勒水仙花节的复兴

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4. Hundred years anniversary of Junfrau mountain train  2012年的百年见证-瑞士少女峰

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5. Visiting a Swiss vinyard in Autumn   走入仲秋的葡萄园

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6. A young Chinese lady in Switzerland   一个中国姑娘在瑞士的求学之路

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7. Experience of the Swiss B&B   在瑞士体验民宿的乐趣

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8. An Interview with a young Swiss gentleman in China   瑞士大米-非诚勿扰! 

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9. How Swiss tourism can survive under the strong Swiss Frank   坚挺瑞郎下的瑞士旅游业

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10. Some details oSwiss customer regulations    瑞士海关条例ABC

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